Preparing your Pet for the Holidays

dogs wearing Christmas hats

The end of the year and holiday season can be a really busy time! There’s the added excitement of visitors, changes in routine, new activities and foods that come with this time of year. It can become stressful for your pets and there are things to keep in mind as a pet parent. Here are…

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Acclimating Your Dog to Professional Services

Dog enjoying a spa day

It’s important for your dog to feel comfortable being handled, whether at the vet, groomer or dog spa, in order to create a stress-free experience. Vets will be able to diagnose and treat your dog more successfully without struggle or resistance. Spa techs and groomers will be better able to complete bathing and hair cut…

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Using Our Client Portal

client portal screenshot

The customer feedback on our Client Portal has been very positive and we are happy to provide an easy and convenient method for you to request reservations and view your pet’s account details. If you haven’t jumped on the Client Portal train yet, now is the time! We’re going to walk through step-by-step how to get started: 1. Go…

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Caring for Senior Dogs

senior dog looking up at the camera

As much as we don’t want to accept it, our dogs age. When a dog is considered a senior depends on the breed and different sized breeds age differently. Other factors that play a role are genetics, nutrition and their environment. Your dog’s needs change as they get older. Here are some things you can…

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Helping Your Adopted Dog Settle In

dog wearing a leash

It’s been a big year for adoptions! Bringing a new dog into the family can be so exciting and you’ll probably be eager for them to adapt to your life and schedule quickly, but taking things slow from the beginning will make for a much smoother transition for your new rescue. Taking the time to…

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Leash Reactivity

woman walking a dog

Leash reactivity occurs when a leashed dog exhibits behavior such as lunging, pulling, barking and/or growling at other dogs, people, or other triggers. It’s important to understand how dogs communicate naturally in order to understand why dogs exhibit leash reactivity. Dogs typically first meet while giving each other space, circling around each other and sniffing to check out another…

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Dog Shedding

groomer working with a dog

As pet parents, most of us battle with shedding and excess hair ending up on our clothes and all over our homes. Shedding is an essential part of your dog’s skin and fur health, ridding them of old or damaged hair. Some dogs shed seasonally while others shed year-round. The amount a dog sheds depends on several factors such as…

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Separation Anxiety

dog waiting for someone to come home

Separation anxiety is the fear of being left alone and can result in destructive, excessive behavior in dogs while you’re gone. It can be quite common, but difficult to manage. The pandemic changed our routines and most of us began spending much more time at home with our pets. As our schedules start to open up…

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Dog Breath & Dental Health

groomer brushing dog's teeth

In honor of Pet Dental Awareness Month, we’re highlighting the importance of a dental hygiene routine for your dog. The majority of dogs show signs of periodontal disease as early as three, so it’s important to get started when they are young. Too much plaque and tartar build up causes bacteria to develop and can inflame…

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